Monday, 2 June 2014

Quick Toinh Event: Touhou Rhythm Carnival Kurenai

I'd rather not leave this (b)log alone too long lest it starts growing fungus and moss.
*Cricket chirp at the bad joke*
....So I'll be making short posts about games that people /most likely/ don't know about.

First in this line of tidbit posts is a rhythm game made by FocasLens called Touhou Rhythm Carnival Kurenai(The heck happened to the normal version then..?), of which borrows character and location from the shoot em' up series Touhou.

In the game, you 'play' as Aya Shamemaru, a self-employed reporter for her own paper. Unable to find much of any fresh or good stories, she passes by the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Having a hunch there could be interesting content waiting for her, she tresspas-
Err, visits the mansion in order to obtain photos for her paper. 

The 'game' is more a collection of 15 simple rhythm mini-games(Starting out with access to one and unlocking the others after managing a "Pass"). For an easy reference, look up another series of games called Rhythm Heaven. These mini-games have varied controls, being played with one-button, two, or using directional controls.

Simple does not mean easy however, as you'd need to get into the rhythm of the songs in the background and spot the beat that is important to the mini-game

Example of mini-game

As much as one could assume it's easy from the video, playing it another beast altogether.

Soon enough, after some time you'd stop for one of two reasons:
1. You've hammered away at the blighted mini-game for so long but you just can't get the hang of it
2. You've mastered the mini-game after so many tries the song's hammered into your head and your friends are telling you to stop humming it.

The art's pretty appealing and simple, so it's not visually overwhelming(Which is a good thing considering you need an unbelievable amount of focus for the games themselves).

Have anyone the time to check this out, please do. Just don't blame me if the tracks haunt you in your sleep.